
“She's an artist, a whip-smart entrepreneur and truth teller. She's brilliant at her craft and bold in her business... Whether you're kick-starting your business or kicking it up a notch, Meredith will take you by the hand or give you a swift kick from behind, whatever it takes to get you going toward your goals. And then they'll let you know your goals aren't big enough!”

Esther Griffin

“She truly is a specialist in the field of maintaining a thriving career despite unconventional challenges”

Katie Allred

“Meredith was very informative to my needs as a wedding photographer looking for help, she reviewed my goals, saw what my struggles were and helped set a plan in motion for me. Meredith is blunt and in our world today, I see that as a good thing, no lollipop will build a business that lasts.”

Andrew Overbey

Stuck in the same place year after year?

Monthly group accountability calls that are designed to help you attack the areas of your business that are stressing you out, making you fall behind, and leaving you awake at night stressed. Once a month individual coaching calls to dive deeper into growing the business of your dreams.

  • An Open Book

    When you are trying to mentor with someone it is so frustrating when they say "we can't share that". Well for me, I am an open book because I passionately believe that success comes when we learn from others authentically.

  • Community

    We love being our own boss but still crave the connection of community as we grow alongside each other and share in the struggles of entrepreneurship.

  • 14 Years of Knowledge

    Nothing will make you learn faster and work harder than having to spend 13 years continually moving and restarting a business. This is the knowledge I will share with you from SEO, branding, IPS, marketing, networking, and more.

Chris Sosa

We went from almost being broke to making $13,000 in three months after working with Meredith

What you get with Connect ...

  • 4 hour long calls a month with your connect cohort

  • Access to a private Discord Channel

  • In person meetups at conferences I am speaking at

Upgrade your membership

Connect+ has everything in the standard Connect membership with the addition of one-on-one calls for individualized goal setting and growth.